Introduction and Welcome

Hello to Old Friends and New Friends!

Welcome to my Bead Designs Log, where I describe bead creations I have made and some backstory and inspirations where applicable.

I am creating this blog to have a place to show pictures of what I have made. At this time, some of these pictures are scans. I explain this because sometimes the colors are not "true"; and I will say so in the accompanying captions. When the time comes to re-photograph these items, I will replace or addend the pictures where I can.

It is also a place to solicit comments on my work. Please be kind. This is the closest I have ever come to having a gallery exhibition!


All pictures, photos, scans, designs, and descriptions are copyrighted to the author!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Round Dance

And now, for something completely different: no embroidery, only stitching!

This bracelet is round brick stitch with faceted Czech fire-polished and AB treated 10mm blue beads in the center of each circle. There are a variety of beads in here - from matte and shiny Japanese and Czech #11s to some purple lined aqua cubes and fluorescent 1971 vintage hot pink 3mm rounds. The color of those isn't nearly as bright as they really are - the fault of the scanner. ( I know they're 1971 beads because they're from the oldest part of my stash!) There are cat's eye rounds too, blue and aqua. The bracelet is fastened cuff style with a sew-on snap so that the circles do not overlap. I enjoyed making this bracelet and will design other pieces using these brick-stitch circles. 9-08 >>MPK

New Photo Coming Soon!

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