Introduction and Welcome

Hello to Old Friends and New Friends!

Welcome to my Bead Designs Log, where I describe bead creations I have made and some backstory and inspirations where applicable.

I am creating this blog to have a place to show pictures of what I have made. At this time, some of these pictures are scans. I explain this because sometimes the colors are not "true"; and I will say so in the accompanying captions. When the time comes to re-photograph these items, I will replace or addend the pictures where I can.

It is also a place to solicit comments on my work. Please be kind. This is the closest I have ever come to having a gallery exhibition!


All pictures, photos, scans, designs, and descriptions are copyrighted to the author!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Copper Caprice

Float copper from Michigan is the central piece in this no-nonsense bracelet. Across the center strand of beads is a single dark bronze pearl. The bracelet contains black crystals, pearls, copper-lined bugles, matte black and copper #11s from Jane's and a few Poppy Jasper chunks. The two side copper pieces are pure copper beads from Bead Mine. One of these days I'll have to get back there, get a couple more and make a pair of matching earrings. The button clasp is copper, too. Completed 5/08. >>MPK

Postscript - I guess I'll never make matching earrings - The Bead Mine is closed.

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